Man, oh man. What will they think of next?
So unbeknownst to me, there is an actual movement in music going on right now involving kids in rock bands that is apparently sweeping the nation. Or, at least part of the nation.
I point you in the direction of this article from Spin Magazine's November 2007 issue, in which they highlight the growing trend of tween bands developing throughout the country, more specifically out of New York. To sum up the article: kids are discovering rock.
So I took the time to seek out some of these bands to see just exactly what these cute little punkers were putting out. And to my surprise.....I was decidedly indifferent.
See, here's the thing. A part of me wants to hate this shit because....god damn, it sounds so horrible. But at the same time, I find myself morbidly amused. The idea of pre-teen rock bands sounds about as ludicrous as the actual music these kids are putting out. And yet, at the end day, I have a smidget of respect for these midgets because they're kids playing instruments and writing songs. Granted, the songs are generic and repetitious. But it still requires an ounce of talent and musical understanding to write annoyingly hooky pop/rock.
The way I see it, it's still an artistic expression. Some kids paint. Some kids write crappy poetry. And some kids start bands. This isn't to say that if you're in a band that automatically makes you respectable and/or good. But I tip my hat to these kids for getting up on a stage and rocking their little hearts out. Maybe all the work they put in now honing their craft will translate into a solid career down the road. And maybe, just maybe, they'll actually start putting out music you wouldn't be ashamed to play in front of your friends.
Oh, and FYI: Care Bears on Fire is a retarded fucking name, girls. Seriously.