So in honor of national "Get The Fuck Out Of The House And Do Something" Day, Nickelodeon came up with the genius idea to stop airing programming for 4 hours and loop a message encouraging its young viewers to go outside.
See, I'm chilling at the crib. It's noon on a Saturday. I just ate a big ass egg/cheese/sausage burrito, and I'm ready to sit back and watch some Spongebob. I flip on to Nickelodeon, and this shit comes up.
This has got to be hands down the dumbest fucking thing Nickelodeon has ever done. And this is the same network that cancelled Legends Of The Hidden Temple and Nick Arcade.
(On a side note: Damn was that final temple/maze shit complicated. The talking stone dude took a half hour just explaining that shit.)
Anywho, Nickelodeon fails. As if kids don't know how to change the fucking channel. Cartoon Network is still on, bitches.