This is huge news. I mean, so huge, that I really can't estimate how much of an impact this will have on us as a species. A celebrity has come out of the closet. An American Idol contestant has declared their homosexuality. Water is the universal solvent.
When did this happen? When did we become so obsessed with this shit? Why the fuck is this even news?
When did the overcelebration of celebrities begin?
I mean, are we really this desperate for things to talk about when the details of a random pop singer's sex life are worth slapping on the cover of magazines? Who the fuck cares who Clay Aiken sleeps with? If Clay Aiken wants to live happily with his life partner Jeff and raise adopted children from music producers then more power to the guy. If he's happy, then I can go on not giving a fuck about whether or not he's happy.
But no. We have to stop everything we're doing and talk about this shit. Analyze this shit. Observe how this shit affects the stock market. And the polls. Hell, look at me. I'm wasting a blog post talking about this shit.
Elsewhere, people are losing their fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, uncles, nieces, aunts, cousins, and friends over in Iraq. Elsewhere, racism is still alive and kicking. Elsewhere, you can't find a fucking job because the fucking economy is a fucking mess.
But to hell all with all that important shit. Let's talk about the reality show reject who likes to take it up the butt.
Now, look, I know what you're thinking, "But, Anonymous Blogger, we need things to distract us from how depressing life really is."
No we fucking don't. Surrounding ourselves with unicorns, cakes, rainbows, and Hello Kitty backpacks is not going to change the fact that things in the world are not peachy keen right now. And even if we do need distractions from pop culture to "escape" reality, the lives of celebrities are a really shitty piece of escapism.
I don't give a fuck, I haven't given a fuck, and I will never give a fuck about Jamie Lynn Spears having a baby. I mean, think about that: major national news networks are actually wasting air time talking about, discussing, and analyzing the baby of the little sister of a celebrity.
And people wonder why chivalry is dead. It's hard to be a gentleman when shit like this is going down.
I mean, are we really this desperate for things to talk about when the details of a random pop singer's sex life are worth slapping on the cover of magazines? Who the fuck cares who Clay Aiken sleeps with? If Clay Aiken wants to live happily with his life partner Jeff and raise adopted children from music producers then more power to the guy. If he's happy, then I can go on not giving a fuck about whether or not he's happy.
But no. We have to stop everything we're doing and talk about this shit. Analyze this shit. Observe how this shit affects the stock market. And the polls. Hell, look at me. I'm wasting a blog post talking about this shit.
Elsewhere, people are losing their fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, uncles, nieces, aunts, cousins, and friends over in Iraq. Elsewhere, racism is still alive and kicking. Elsewhere, you can't find a fucking job because the fucking economy is a fucking mess.
But to hell all with all that important shit. Let's talk about the reality show reject who likes to take it up the butt.
Now, look, I know what you're thinking, "But, Anonymous Blogger, we need things to distract us from how depressing life really is."
No we fucking don't. Surrounding ourselves with unicorns, cakes, rainbows, and Hello Kitty backpacks is not going to change the fact that things in the world are not peachy keen right now. And even if we do need distractions from pop culture to "escape" reality, the lives of celebrities are a really shitty piece of escapism.
I don't give a fuck, I haven't given a fuck, and I will never give a fuck about Jamie Lynn Spears having a baby. I mean, think about that: major national news networks are actually wasting air time talking about, discussing, and analyzing the baby of the little sister of a celebrity.
And people wonder why chivalry is dead. It's hard to be a gentleman when shit like this is going down.