Yes, folks. The time has finally come. The post you've been anxiously waiting for is finally here. After months and months of anticipation, the countdown is finally over.
Yes, boys and girls. This is indeed....The Jonas Brothers Post.
So let me make something perfectly clear: I don't hate the Jonas Brothers. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that I actually respect the Jonas Brothers for what they do. Do I give a fuck about the purity ring bullshit? No. Do I care that they've been whored over by Disney? No. Do I care that they really aren't that vocally talented? Well....yes, actually I do. But that's beside the point.
So what to do I think of the Jonas Brothers? Point blank, I think their pretty solid. For what they do, crafting hooky, sunny pop/rock, the Jonas Brothers are as good as anybody out right now. Their best moments are as enjoyable as anything on the radio today. Their 2008 summer single "Burnin' Up" could've been a top ten jam for Maroon 5. "Lovebug" sounds like vintage Backstreet Boys. "Video Girl", which Rolling Stone named one of the 100 best songs of 2008 (not that it actually validates its quality) is a slick, punky smackdown of fake Disney groupies.
My point is, the brothers Jonas have crafted a handful of songs over the course of their four albums that I'm not afraid to admit I thoroughly enjoy. And what's more, they actually write the bulk of their songs.
Now, this isn't to say they're faultless, because they most certainly have their flaws. They're average at best vocally. Nick Jonas, the backbone of the band, has perfected the art of Peter Brady-ing it up through every song. They're also incredibly inconsistent. The band's albums are chock full of filler, with only a strong single or two sprinkled throughout to keep things going. Far too many of their songs are generically structured and predictable, even by the standards of disposable pop. Their third album, A Little Bit Longer, was a little less guilty of this, but still.

Now, I won't get into this whole bullshit involving them and their love lives. Mainly because #1: I don't read Tiger Beat. And #2: I don't give a fuck. I will say, however, if the ups and downs of their puppy dog romances with the likes of Taylor Swift continue to produce genuinely great backslap songs like "Much Better", then I'm all for it.
As for the title of this very post, their new album Lines, Vines, And Trying Times is out now. The album is a bit of disappointment, because I really dug A Little Bit Longer, and this album is filled to the brim with filler. Thankfully, there are some strong moments. The aforementioned "Much Better" is cleverfully constructed around an outright diss of Ms. Swift. Opening single "Paranoid" is glossy and melodic. And how about that collabo with one of my hip hop favorites, Common?
....Okay, the song kinda sucks, but I digress...
I'm particularly fond of the album's opener, "World War III". Written by Nick, it's a borderline bombastic 80s throwback number, complete with horns and crushing guitars. The song compares a one-sided relationship to actual military combat (hold back your snickering), and it somehow works:
No, you can't have a World War III
If there's only one side fighting
And you know, whoa oh
That there's lessons left to learn
Every time you attack
Doesn't drive me to fight you back
And I know, whoa oh
That I'll never let it be
World War III
All I'm really asking, folks, is that if you enjoy poking fun at the image, look a little deeper. Contrary to popular belief the JoBros may, in fact, have something genuinely worthwhile to offer.