Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ryan Leslie Is My New Favorite Dude

When it comes to music, I'm always six months behind.

Cut me some slack. I don't listen to the radio, bitches.

Anywho, Ryan Leslie, R&B producer/songwriter extraordinaire, has been making a lot of noise lately. And he decided to take advantage of his buzz by releasing an album (a very Ne-Yo like move). I hadn't heard of the dude until a week ago. But I've gotta say: this muthafucker is the shit.

Leslie isn't much of a vocalist. He's serviceable at best in that regard. But there's no denying this guy has an insane ear for melody. His self-titled debut album is filled from front to back with hooky pop/R&B jams. And best of all, they're all written and produced by Leslie.

To give you an idea of just how talented this cat is, take a look at this behind the scenes video in which he single-handedly crafts the single "Addicition":

Insane. Now, if that wasn't crazy enough, check out this video taken from Leslie's appearance on DJ Green Lantern's SIRIUS radio show, in which Leslie learns to play Lil Wayne's "Lollipop"....on the piano....on the fly.

Needless to say, the dude is ridiculously talented. We need more cats like Ryan Leslie out there making rock solid music, and doing it their way. Props to you, Ryan. You're my new favorite dude.